Before You Choose A Truck Shell, Make Sure You Know What To Look For

A truck shell is much more than a simple design upgrade to add to the style appeal of a truck. It is also a functional piece of equipment. For this reason, you want to choose your truck shell wisely in order to ensure the best long-term results. Make sure you know what to look for on your search.


One of the greatest things about being a truck owner is the fact that it offers a great deal of flexibility when it comes to how you can use the vehicle. Don't choose a truck shell that doesn't offer this same goal.

If you want a secure way to transport objects in the bed of your truck, but you also want the option to transport large and tall objects, you want to choose a shell that you can easily remove and replace – even if you don't have someone nearby to assist you. Look for a unit that offers a simple latch system that makes removing and replacing the shell an easy process.


Don't make the height of the shell an afterthought, especially if you have a garage or operate your vehicle in area with height restrictions. When determining what size shell to purchase, first measure the height of your truck.

If your truck is on the taller side, it's more practical to choose a shorter shell, but if your truck is short, you have more room to play with. A high-profile shell on an already tall vehicle can create real maneuverability concerns and be more of a hassle than a benefit. Don't just use your eyes to gauge, but measure.


Choose a material that will look just as good today as it will years from today. To do this, you need to choose an option that is best equipped to meet your needs based on the top of materials you plan to transport within the bed of the truck.

For example, if you plan to haul metal or sharp items often, you don't want to choose a shell with a metal lining as it can easily scratch, leading to an increased risk of rust development. Typically, a safer option is to go with a reinforced plastic lining as they are often water and scratch resistant.

The more time you take to select your truck shell, the more use you will get from your investment. Take your time and choose wisely for the best outcome.
